There is huge argument on video game forums about which console is the best for gaming. The argument always seems to be between 360 and PS3. Wii is never mentioned just because the wii has a poor graphics engine and has a library full of lackluster games. One of it's best games happens to be packaged with it. Nintendo fanboys will argue that Wii is the only one that has motion controls. Well, Sony and Microsodt are coming out with Playstation Move and Project Natal. So guess what Wii? Your out of the running. The PS2 is also never mentioned. No one wants to talk about a dying system despite the fact that it has some amazing titles. But those titles can't compare to nowadays so I guess the PS2 is out. Handhelds are in some debate but if someone is on the go odds are they are driving. Handhelds require two hands. So does driving. So the DS and PSP are out. The Gamecube and original Xbox are already dead systems and were inferior to the PS2. So it's implied that they're out. Now onto the big two. PS3 has better graphics and supports blu-ray. 360 doesn't. 360 has a better online and more people playing. But the online is paid for and Xbox had been out a year and a half longer. Ps3 exlusives are God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Uncharted 1 & 2, Ratchet and Clank, MGS4, iNFamous, Heavy Rain and Littlebigplanet. 360 has Gears, Halo, and Left 4 Dead. But they are all shooters. If I wanted to do nothing but shoot, I would join the army. Also everybody has facebook nowadays. So that means that everyone has a computer. PS3 exclusives are solely on PS3. 360 exclusives are also on PC. So why buy a 360 for the exclusives if you have a PC. So it appears that the 360 is out. But does PS3 win? No matter what you play you may think that your system is the shit, but it's never gonna be 8-bit. Unless you have virtual console on wii. But the wii is already out of the running and trying to own all those virtual console titles would be a lot of money and harddrive space. But if you have an emulator on PC you could play these oldies and have them for free. But PC is too moddable and requires you to get specific software for specific games. So what is the conclusion? PS3 and PC are tied for the best gaming consoles. But everybody has a PC so if your going to the store to buy a gaming console to be plugged into your tv, buy a PS3. If you disagree with me, comment.
how can anything be too moddable?
idk much about consoles, but i know that pc is the best. but u may be right, about consoles for tv. i know wii kinda sucks. :-P
1. I didn't say PC was the best, I said it was tied with PS3. This is because PS3 has a powerful engine that can be best some of the latest PCs. All PS3 exlcusives were only for PS3. You won't find games like Uncharted, Littlebigplanet or God of War on PC. 360 is worst because all their blockbuster titles are on PC. Everyone owns a PC.
2. I say PC is 'moddable' because there are certain hacks you can do to just about every PC game. For instance on MW2 and Counter Strike on the PC, you can put on aimbot, wallhacks, infinite ammo, infinite health and other stuff. These can't be done on console platforms.
i guess, technically hacking is modding, but when i talk about modding i don't usually think of hacking.
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