This was easily the most anticipated and fastest selling game of all time. Why? Because it's awesome! The story is set a few years after the first Modern Warfare that was left with a cliffhanger ending about what happened to Soap. Well he survived. But you'll be playing as Roach. The single player campaign in this game by many is said to yet to be desired and over-the-top unrealistic. For example, in like one of the first levels you do a 100 ft jump on a snowmobile. The campaign is pretty short but I don't know why people are complaining about that, because the first Modern Warfare had a short campaign as well. The graphics have definitely improved and the sound is good. Hans Zimmer recorded the score and the Voice acting is good. Some lines are a little overused, so "stay frosty" for my next segment of the review. The multiplayer is the main attraction of this game. There are so many challenges and different ways you can customize your gun classes. It's just pure fun. The only downside is that the maps are designed for camping and you'll keep dying by the same bee-otch. Other than that, great game. "Stay frosty" because this scored a 9.2/10.
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