What's good to be said about Damnation? That's a tough question. Well, the name is pretty cool. Okay, you obviously know the game is crappy when my only compliment about it is that I like the name. For a game that sounds cool, it sure plays like sh**. The shooting is terrible, I aim for the enemy's head and I end up shooting them in the foot. The story is a load of bs. The game was so bad, I couldn't bring myself to play the 2nd level. Waste of a rental. Speaking of money, the retail price for this game is like $50. This should be one of the games that cub scouts hand out if you support their cause. The sound sucks and the multiplayer sucks because the game sucks so much that nobody has bought this suckish game and therefore there is no multiplayer to speak of. This is one of those games that should be burned to prevent people from getting their money robbed. They paid for entertainment not crap on a disc. 1/10, that's all I have to say.
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